Thursday, February 07, 2008

My sweet baby Gracie

Our wonderful friend Jenny took these pics. Aren't they great? I bought the pink tapestry in Ethiopia. I love that picture. It's funny how she doesn't even look like the same baby anymore!! She is getting so big...too fast! We are so in love with her. She doesn't like us to put her down for more than a few minutes but is happy as can be in our arms or in her Baby Bjorn. The kids have been great and are so happy to have her here.


The Redman's said...

OH-- I've been waiting to see more pics!! Gracie is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous!!! She seems like such a happy baby!


Anonymous said...

Your baby is abosolutely gorgeous!!! God bless her.

Michael and Michelle said...

I don't even know what to say.....she is breath taking!!! Seriously! What a doll!!!!
Thanks for the cute update.


A Team said...

Long time no post... how are you?

Marilynn said...

God created this beautiful Nubian Princess by the name of Gracie. Gracie, is so loved that God created this path, for the Marshall family to come into her life to love and care for her. Gracie is your gift from God.

Coming to Amharica said...

LOVE the pictures! Your children are all so adorable.

My baby is at HHE and was there when you were....will you email me privately?

Dee Dee

back to reading your blog....